
Showing posts from November, 2017

11.25.17 | Week 13. Blog Debrief

(week of thanksgiving break) further refinement of ADSR envelopes, mostly code-side: boop

11.18.17 | Week 12. Blog Debrief

Started working on ADSR envelopes: boop While most of the code (firing / silencing notes, making checks, etc.) is only fired as needed (the entire thing doesn't use loop() in any capacity), the ADSR envelopes are being fired as part of a do-while loop when the note is playing. Due to their nature of changing volume in semi-realtime, achieving properly smooth envelope effects requires a fairly frequent rate of adjustment.

11.11.17 | Week 11. Blog Debrief

Progress videos: release envelope duty cycle soundtest (included with library; original sounds) soundtest (with new sounds) prime theme (release example) thunderstruck (envelopes / wave blending example)

11.04.17 | Week 10. Blog Debrief

Admittedly, I wasn't able to get much done this week because I was "between" availabilities at work - in other words, I had the shifts of two separate schedules and the days off of none, although I should have a lighter work schedule for the rest of the semester. That being said, I did at least figure out I'm going to be using Connor Nishijima's Synth or "Volume 2" library for sound synthesis due to the ease of producing wavetables, volume control, and polyphonic synthesis. I also bought a case for my Arduino.