10.28.17 | Week 9. Blog Debrief

I don't think I'm going to be using it in the end, but to get some louder samples on the minimal hardware I have I was using toneAC for a little bit to get about double the maximum volume output. Connor Nishijima's got a volume level library that plays nice with his waveform synthesizer library for Arduino so I'm probably going to be using that. toneAC works by adjusting the waveform itself so you end up getting screwy output at lower volumes because they start sounding closer to saw waves, while the Nishijima library alternates between tone and ultrasonic frequencies so it sounds like traditional modification of volume. To try and get the ball rolling I went ahead and made good on my concept of taking a more programmatic / formulaic approach for producing frequencies based on traditional music theory, more specifically the chromatic scale. Most libraries I've seen online break up each and every key (which gives you anywhere from like 70-100 different notes, depe...